Bey Bey, Are Ya Ok?


Umm, yeah. See, I was...Wow. Ummm...yeah. Question. Is there anyone else wonderin' why Bey is suddenly lookin' like Casper The Friendly Ghost?


I mean, she's lookin' like she's rollin' with Edward and his crew from Twilight.


What in the name of fajitas and fish cakes is really goin' on here? Does she feel like she needs a skin bleaching scheme to try and stay on top? Was she not light-bright, and close-to white enough before? I don't know. Does somebody need to get in contact with Papa Knowles? I mean, even her hair has her lookin' like Fun -In The Sun Barbie.
Bey Bey baby, this is NOT a good look. Quit while ya ahead 'fo ya start lookin' like:


I'm just sayin'.


2 Much Drama For This Mama!! © 2011 | Designed by Ibu Hamil, in collaboration with Uncharted 3 News, MW3 Clans and Black Ops