Saw this while I was crusin' in cyberland one day. Reading. Is. My.Passion. Had to have it, but wasn't ready to pluck down my hard earned dinero just yet. Decided to go to my lovely local library and save a few bucks. (Hey, when funds are low you've got to use your noggin and get creative!!). I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. A literary collabo with 2 of my fave authors. Can you say...deelish??
Had to be placed on the waitin' list. HATED THAT. The library was takin' way too long to call! Gimme that book or I'll...Ok. They finally called. Couldn't wait to dig in. Took me 'bout 2 days to finish it. What's my verdict? Wellllllll...
This novel was basically split 2 ways. Mary Morrison wrote one. Wasn't impressed at all with what she had to say. Felt a letdown once I finished it. Maybe her strengths lie in novels as oppossed to short stories. Noire should've been the leadin' writer. Hers was more true to form. She's branchin' out into that naughty-bad gurl erotica and she's KILLIN' it. In my humblest opinion she has surpassed Zane with flyin' colors. Noire's novella is indeed short, but from the first sentence she had me captured. Left me pantin' and wantin' more. Sorry Mary, but you was sleepin' on this one. Maybe next time.
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