Let me start with this gentleman first:
Mr. Idris Elba. Not a bad lookin' man. But CERTAINLY not monumentally gorgeous or jaw droppin'. His actin' skills are average at best. I certainly wasn't impressed with him in this flick:
But when I read showbiz mags or entertainment websites, women are just fallin' all over themselves talkin 'bout how fine he is. How his actin' prowess is close to Denzel's(rollin' my eyes and smackin' my lips).Puhleze!! As if!!
Next on my list:
Don't get me wrong. Common is just that..common. His lyrical skills are.. so so. Most times when he raps it sounds like his flow isn't quite matchin' up with the tempo of the music. I don't think he's incredibly handsome like a majority of the women in America do. Whenever I see him, I have a sudden cravin' for Milk Duds and I don't even like those things!! His actin' game really isn't that bad though. I did enjoy him in this one:
Smokin' Aces
Last but certainly not least:
I realize that I'm now REALLY stirrin' up a recipe for controversy. But..these are the things that intriguing blogs are made of, right? Ok. Women from all over the WORLD love his soft and airy looks and persona. Sorry. Not me. His music is consistently raved about. His style described as sweetly seductive. Perhaps. Yet in all honesty there were only 2 songs in his whole career that really moved me:
And this bedroom back breaker:
Alright fam. I wanna hear from you. In your most humblest opinions, who are some of the most overrated entertainers whether male or female? Don't be shame!! Speak on it!!
"sistahhhh you've been on my miiinnndd..."
I swear you read my mind sometimes, I'ma need you to get outta my head girl! lol!
I agree with you, Idris is a cutie but um, acting prowess like Denzel? In who's world? Oh hellll nawl!
Common, eh. I like "come close" with Mary J. and a few other songs, I think he's cute but not jaw-dropping (this could also because I prefer choooocolate menfolk!)
Maxwell..ok... "Til the Cops Come Knockin" yes sirrrr take me higher! He's not attractive to me, but I love his voice, um..new album, I love "Bad Habits"
ok ok, I'ma stop now!