These guys:
started my official guy group revolution. I remember when this cd hit the airwaves:
Man, Forever My Lady was my anthem. Not too long before this song dropped, I had my beautiful baby girl. What timing!! I was hoping and praying that her dad would dedicate these lyrics to me. Ya know, make it real romantic like. True to his fashion, he never did.What a creep-a-zoid. I think I'm still scarred behind that(sniffling).
This however, was the piece' de re'sistance:
I had the WHOLE CD on constant repeat. I mean, it was just that good.
Would cry for youuuu toniiight..
Oh, don't try to act like you don't know!!
Now these fellas here:
These guys could REALLY blow. Their front guy Sisqo (Mr. Thong Song himself) was a bit flamboyant, but he did an outstanding job tying their sound together. To me, the music community has suffered a great loss by not havin' these guys spittin' out hit after hit anymore.
Talk about bringin' back memories (shakin' my head)...My soon to be ex hubby played this particular one the night we first started talkin'..even though I now wish that he would go bungee jump off the Brooklyn Bridge without a bungee cord, this song still holds monumental significance:
My main men representin' it too:
Sensually seductive. Just more reason for me to jump on this guy group bandwagon. Promise and He Can't Love U were two of my all time faves.I was too cheap 2 actually buy the cd's, so I would just either wait for them to come on the radio or mooch it off my friends. Some fan, huh??
I love all y'all. I solemnly pinky swear that your songs will remain forever on repeat while in my car, kitchen, or bedroom. Especially the bedroom.
Sidebar:If I slept in this bed every night, I would SO not want to get out of it!!
I'm a HUGE Jodeci fan! Dru Hill and Jagged Edge are good too, but you gotta give it up to the ones who started the whole bad boy, r&b group thing.