If you REALLY wanna know how I'm feelin' 'bout my son these days..well...jus' check out Mama Mufusa's mug in the above shot. Yup. Now if she would just put her hands in her hair and pull till her roots are screamin' for mercy, that would be more accurate.
Welcome to my world.
I have the pleasure and pain of havin' a 12 y.o. son.
Ya know.
Voice octaves go from Pee Wee Herman to Barry White within 6.3 seconds.
Clearsil has become a permanent fixture in his bathroom.
Tries to be slick by sneakin' my cell and watchin' steamy skin flicks all courtsey of Youtube.
Yes suh.
Good ole puberty.
Lookin' at my phone and seein' things in the browser like" hot lip hotties" is enough to make me wanna go runnin' in the middle of I-35 blindfolded with a shower cap and fuzzy slippers on.
Sadly though, that's only part of my daytime dilemma.
A couple of weeks ago I was seekin' and searchin' for some cold hard cash that I had left in my purse.
Hmm. Not there.
Well, that's weird.
I shook out all the old,wrinkled up tissues, out dated receipts, and clunky pennies from
my pocketbook thinkin' maybe I had just overlooked it somehow.
Still no George Washington's to be found.
Then, it hit me.
I knew my son took it. Man, I was so heated even my butt muscles was shakin'.
Here's what I knew. If I ASKED him if he took the $ he would swear on his video game collection that he hadn't seen it or messed with it.
I knew the issue had to be confronted.
Ya see, one of the things that my mom had always taught us was that if a person lies, they will sho' 'nuff steal.
I never wanted to believe that. Especially about my own kids.
However, I knew my seed was one of the biggest liars this side of the Rio Grande.
All that evening, I kept puttin' it off and puttin' it off.
Just didn't feel like talkin' 'bout nothin' else negative cuz it's ALWAYS somethin' with him, ya know?
Anywhooters, I knew that I couldn't delay the inevitable.
I told him that I knew that he took the money. At first he tried to deny it (big surprise there).
Eventually he revealed that the reason that he had "sticky fingers sydrome" is because he wanted to prove to the other kids that he wasn't a nice kid after all.
Wow. Seriously?
Although I am somewhat sympathetic towards the plight of preteens and them tryin' to get in where they fit in, this was still unacceptable.
I grounded him and took away privileges.
Hoenstly though, it really doesn't seem like it phased him cuz somedays he comes home from school with unaccounted for "gifts" that "some girl in the hallway" gave him.
as I told you before when you said the po-po was called to Wally world...O yeah the police would have been coming...for a different reason....as I would have beat the black off my seed.
Yes raising a boy to a man is not easy...My 6'1" son towers over my
5'2" frame...and because of this, he tried me once. Notice I said ONCE. He forgets his mom is former Navy. I chopped him in the thoat- Yep thoat not throat...then with a well place abdominal kick proclaimed that "Long as you are black and breathing you better NEVER try that again."
Boys try mamas...no ifs or buts about it. But you have to bring that old school fear back into them so they know it's "My way or the highway up in this mutha $%#@"
I have shaken mine like a tree in a tornado...all I can say is time...and an occasional chop to the thoat is the only thing that is gonna help.