Surprisingly....yes. But..should all secrets be kept silent? What about if you're in a relationship with the man or woman of your dreams? Is it ok to keep some things hidden in our closet of "classified information?" What should be kept sacred and what should be spilled like the grape kool-aid on someone's kitchen table?
Ok. I have a man. Yay me!! (clappin' hands). I'm not talkin' 'bout a -call me-at 2:45 in- da mornin'-beat- da- stuffin'- up-and-then-leave type of dude. Nah uh. This here thang is SER-I-OUS. Ya know, when you stand in front of a preacher and promise that you'll stay faithful to your sweetie all while givin' them the crooked side? Mhmm. IT'S LIKE THAT. Anywhooters, we have a somewhat..unique arrangement. See, we made some resolute relationship regulations. Here it goes. When he opens my closet, he shouldn't see any of these ghoulish guys takin' up residence:
Get the idea? NO SKELETONS. NOTHING IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIDDEN. In other words, he wants us to tell it ALL. I admit, it SEEMS like a good idea. But...just how PRACTICAL is it? Blame it on my worldly ways, but some secrets should NEVER see the light of day.
I know this makes me seem like I'm some sort of she-monster or something. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's just..well...if I feel like my secret will be like a sucker punch to his emotions, feelings and his manhood then I ain't tellin'! Hey! Sometimes men need our protection too and don't even know it!
Interestingly enough, I've found that we as women often have diarrhea-of-the mouth-syndrome. Just givin'out WAY too much intel, ya feel me? Tellin' our guys who tried to touch our butts at Club Creep-N-Sleep last weekend. Lettin' him know how many guys have tried to holla whenever we wear our black freak'em dress with the killa heels. Enough already! Yet our male counterparts often pick and choose VERY CAREFULLY what kind of secrets they will tell.
I've decided to follow suit.
Now don't get me wrong. Some secrets SHOULD be and NEED to be revealed. I think everyone has to decide that for themselves.
Considering how many of us try to conceal the after effects of love gone wrong, this does seem like a good idea if it's agreed that the info won't impact what's already working well. I guess I haven't met anyone I'd ever think about doing that with. I like to leave most things in the past if they don't have the potential to raise their ugly