No, I'm not flattered. It doesn't make me want to smile so wide so that you can see the Brooklyn and London bridges in my mouth. Hey, don't get me wrong. I can appreciate when a man can compliment me PROPERLY. I might even do the Cabbage Patch for a minute or two. But when he uses THIS term to describe me, he has become a page in my history book. For those who may not be familiar with what the letters stand for, let me help:
I -I would
L -Like to
F - F**k
MILF. Say this word. It sounds like a person trying to say MILK, but with a serious lisp(shaking my head).
It's derogatory. It implies that a man just wants to beat the stuffing up and then discard you once he gets full.
(Hey, I was bored that day).
Sorry. But I refuse to be placed into this category no doubt created by some horny neanderthal.
According to a poll, here are some truly memorable MILF'S:
DEMI MOORE(Queen Cougar)
NIA LONG(Classic beauty)
Ok. Did I miss anyone?
No, that's no good.
That's really something you discuss with your boys as small talk. I noticed that men nowadays are a lot more brazen in their advancements's kind of like we have nothing to lose anymore.
In any event, try not to get upset over it, babe. It's actually kind of flattering in a sick kind of way. No?