Say hello to the new "Kim Kardashian" of the sports world.
Dang Serena!
Is she feelin' like she doesn't already get enough attention from rippin' and runnin' 'round that tennis court in those itty bitty skirts and thangs?
I'm sayin'.
This was supposed to be a reputable sports award ceremony.
Not the BET or Soul Train Awards.
Her stylist should have told her to tuck her tata's back in just a wee bit more.
The public doesn't need to be able to see if her areolas are the color of black coffee.
I'm surprised her nip-nips didn't spontaneously combust from all that fiery friction.
For real though.
There's nothin' wrong with a woman tryin' to look her best and break a few necks cuz she workin' it out.
But damn.
You can look sexy without lookin' like a slutburger with a side order of sleaze and skank.
Leave a lil' sumthin'-sumthin' to the imagination.
Thing is, Serena is a BEAST on the tennis court.
She actually has talent and skills that don't require that she flex her pelvic muscles and take xrays just to prove that her booty wan't manufactured in a factory.
All that boobage and booty wasn't even enough to keep him rooted and grounded:
Listen y'all.
'Rena can command attention for her tennis game alone.
She don't have to resort to lookin' like a high priced madame to be noticed.
The Lord already gave her somethin' to work with without her "cups" havin' to "run over."
yesssssss....I love Serena but i'm so over hearing and seeing her body! I enjoyed her so much more when we all took notice of her tennis game not her ta-tas