Raising teenagers is about as much fun as clippin' the toenails off a rhino. I'm sorry. Allow me to digress. If you have perfect progenies like this:
then go out and have yourself a big ole' jelly jar full of sweet tea and CELEBRATE!!! Chile' that's AWESOME news!!
However, this is more of what my reality cast and crew looks like:
Case in point. My puberty-stricken 12 y.o.son. He is givin' me AND the students and staff at his school a MASSIVE migraine. You know your munchkin is a menance when the principal has you on speed dial. Hmmph. Ya betta ask somebody.
I've tried givin' him an" attitude adjustment":
We've had "time -out talk sessions such as this:
He's even been chattin' it up with a counselor:
I don't want this....
to be my son's fate. This momma is cryin' out:
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