Just when you thought reality tv couldnt get any more rauchier, here come these slutburgers on a bun:
Bad Girls Club. The Two-Faced-Trick Troop. How 'bout Potty-Mouth Posse? A bunch of trashy chicks tryin' to cohabitate under one roof. Each one tryin' they HARDEST to be the most obscene and obnoxious. I hate to admit this, but I actually find myself tunin' in to watch this sick combination of Girls Gone Wild with a side order of soft porn. Now I dig Sydney cuz her fire engine colored coiffure is the bizness:
On the real though, I think her 'do was meant to match her personality: Mz. Hot-In-the Pants!! Now I'm not some old maid or a prude. There is nothin' wrong with a woman bein' sensual and sexual AS LONG AS ITS IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT AND ITS DONE CORRECTLY. I mean, you could probably call 1800-CALL-A-HOE and she would have the most clients!!! I ain't lyin!! Here. Have a peep:
Whoever is bold or brave enough to get with this gurl needs to check her mouth for open sores on her lips and cheeks(shudderin').
Is anyone else out here in the blogosphere wonderin' the same thang I am? Now, I might step on a few acrylic toenails, but here goes my mouth. Sigh. WHY IN THE NAME OF WEAVES AND LIMA BEANS IS THIS SHOW CALLED BASKETBALL WIVES?? Basketball wifeys...maybe. Only 2 single, solitary chicks can actually sang that he didnt just put a ring on it, but made it official.
Ms. Shaq-a-crack in all her delicious divorceness(ok, I got that word from my ebonicsdictionary)
(I think she looks cuter with longer locks) and
Jenny "Whiny-Boo" Williams:
The rest of the crew are basketball baby mamas or almost-made-it-didn't QUITE-get- to the altar-mamis:
Evilene (oops I'm sorry) I meant Evelyn:
Ms Royce "rolls-her-hips-like-a-snake" Reed:
(I'm sorry boo, but Grandma Pearl say she want her church shoes back) and Suzy "Too Tall" Ketchum:
Wonder what her foot tastes like? It must be pretty tasty cuz she's usually got it stuck in her cavern that she calls a mouth!! Dang Kim!! You just hooked up with this dude Kris back around Turkey Day of last year. Now you twitterin' 'bout how you want yall's love child to look? Ain't this what sent Reggie runnin' and screamin' towards the football stands tryin' to get away from you? At least let the man name ya and claim ya first!! Clearly a blind man can see that this chica is dyin' of thirst. The only thang that will quench it is ia a NFL or NBA baller beverage, ok? Nothin' like a nice chocolate cocktail with a tantalizin' twist of muscles, eh?
Or a mocha latte with a extra smidge of milk?
Kim sweetie. Let me give ya some sista gurl advice. Before you start picturin' how your baby gone have Gucci booties and how you and Kris gone be chucky cheesin' it up in the camera with your lil bundle of joy, close ya legs for a sec. You might have him slobberin' and foamin' at the mouth now, but beautiful women are just as common to him as hair stores in the hood. In other words..THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. Stop movin' so daggone fast. Pump your brakes. Pu ya car on cruise and just enjoy the ride for right now. If you want Kris to poof and be gone, just keep doin' lame brain jive mess like this.
I'm a single mama with 4 kiddies, two of them bein' I-don't want-to-do-nothin-you-say-teenagers. Now, with this all star lineup one would think that I get enough every day conflict and combat to be an honorary member of Charlie's Angels. Yet sometimes, I don't want to be a PART of the action. I would much rather SEE IT. This is why when I saw this golden gem peekin' at me from the shelves of Wally World:
I knew I had to have it.Trust me, this motion picture masterpiece did NOT disappoint!! The Italian Stallion(Stallone) is the head honcho of a group of professional rough and tumble soldiers. They're gettin' paid by a somewhat mysterious stranger (Willis) to help bring down a devilish dictator in Latin America. Sylvester might be in his 60's now, but he's just as agile and active as the rest of his costars!!
I have to admit that I was surprised. I thought that with all the heavy hitters in this film there would be some serious ego issues among themselves. Yet, each of their roles blended together perfectly just like a mango blueberry smoothie. However, it's not some story about a bunch of mindless, muscled up dudes who are randomly shootin' grenades at everything that moves. This is a well thought out story line with a few twists and turns along the way. If you have a weak tummy, I wouldn't really recommend viewin' this one. It's downright graphic and grotesque at certain points. Still not sure if this one is for you? Take a look:
Digital cable is the best thang to hit our home since the introduction of reality tv!! What in the name of mac n cheese and pork and beans would we do without it? Since I'm a single mamacita, takin' care of four lil churritos keeps my toes tappin' on a constant basis. I don't always have time to plant my posterior in a comfy chair to catch my latest shows. Who cares? I pay a lil' extra dinero to have the DVR (Digital VideoRecorder). I can record my programs and check 'em out when I get some breathin' room. I'm really feelin' this modern technology y'all!!
My matriarchal mate has gotten bit by the bug too. Unfortunately, some of her channels decided to take a vacation so she couldn't tune in!! Bad news Bucky!! No prob. I just jumped on the telly and contacted Time Warner. Of course they were eager as buck tooth beavers to fix the issue cuz we have a high end cable package!! An appointment was set for two days later. The sooner the better cuz mi madre couldn't see her nightly news which was slowly turnin' her into a grumpy granny!! Thankfully, we didn't have to wait long before this cable cat rang our doorbell.
I answer the door and am greeted by a creamy colored carmel brotha with a smile as wide as the Pacific. He makes a beeline directly for my mom's room where the trouble is. Now for a brief intro. My mother is one of those ladies who can strike up a convo with a serial killer and make him feel like he's one of her long , lost cousins. Cable man Carl(not his real name) was no exception. She started off askin' him how he liked the job. Gleefully, he revealed that since he was a contractor, it gave him more flexibility. I decided to shake a lil' spice on this convo by askin' if any of his female customers ever tried to get him to..let's just say...personally change their channels. The temperature of this tantalizing talkfest quickly went up a couple of degrees.
He told us of his cable man capers involvin' women, nude pics, and cell phones. Despite all this attention from the lovely ladies, Carl claims he remains as faithful as the family dog. Impressive. Did I believe him? The jury is still out on that one. As he was workin' on his 2nd glass of white grape juice, my momma went in for the kill. She invited him to her place of worship. He politely declined. Aww man. Now he started tryin' to impress us by actin' like Paul the Preacher by quoting all these Scriptures he had learned.
During the course of the conversation, he found out that my mom is an evangelist. I'm assuming that because he was married, he felt completely comfortable asking her this next question. What he inquired of her was something that made me cover my mouth and want to run from the room like my hair was on fire. I mean, this guy didn't know the definition of shame. He asked what kinds of sexy positions could a man and woman get down with without our Heavenly Father rainin' down fire and brimstone.
Dude..seriously? I mean, this guy showed us that he was a straight with no chaser type of man, but I'm sayin'. Could he not have talked to his pastor PRIVATELY about his lil' daunting dilemma? Sheesh. Once I was able to pick up my face off the floor and put all my teeth back in, Carl had finally finished fixin' the cable. As he was turnin' to walk out the bedroom door, he turned around and decided to drop some more wickedly witty wisdom on me. He told me that I needed to stop breakin' men's hearts and their bank accounts by waitin' for that special ONE. I ask you. How could ANYONE refuse such sound advice from their neighborhood cable guy?